Knowledge Box
Knowledge Box 0.5.2 released!

Knowledge Box 0.5.2 has just been released and is now available on SourceForge.

This version addresses current issues when the Knowledge Box module is installed on dotProject 2.1 and greater. This version also introduces usage of the GNU GPL version 3 license. Please find installation instructions in the documentation section.

Download the Knowledge Box 0.5.2 release!

About Knowledge Box


Knowledge Box is primarily designed to be integrated as a module in the project management tool named dotProject.

  • Unlimited number of bases
  • Customizable to fit your needs
  • Keywords management
  • Integrated search engine
  • Multi-relational/ linked entries
  • Easy integration
  • No code/ DBA knowledge required



Knowledge Box allows any web user to create, configure, and maintain an unlimited number of customizables and extensibles knowledge bases.

Its internal structure gives you the capability to easily classify information by groups and keywords.

Knowledge Box 0.5.2 is an open source product based on the GNU General Public License version 3.



The Knowledge Box open source project has been initiated and mainly developed with the support and collaboration of the following partners:

Free IT Foundation
Geneva, Switzerland

World Digital Solidarity Agency
Lyon, France

Global Subsidies Initiative
Geneva, Switzerland